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5 домашни трикови со употреба на секојдневната храна

Here is a list of useful hacks that everyone should know about. All with the aid of everyday food and drinks we most likely have within our reach!

1. Tired of chemicals to clean your bathroom? Try spraying your bathtub with fresh grapefruit and sprinkling a bit of salt at the bottom. You can use the rest of your grapefruit as a sponge to scrub your tub in every corner! We guarantee a like-new tub with an amazing fruity smell!

2. Broke some glass? You’ll be surprised what works best in these moments! Take out a piece of white bread and press is against the surface where the accident happened. This trick will do most of the work by sticking to all the small shards, sometimes without the need to even follow-up with a vacuum. Just remember to cut quite a thick piece not to hurt yourself!

3. Need to clean up your tarnished silver jewellery asap? Ketchup might be the answer you’re looking for! Fill a small bowl with ketchup and put your silver jewellery inside for a couple of minutes – not too long though. You can also use a small brush to get into the smallest corners. Rumour has it that this trick does the job due to acetic acid that is found in it.

4. Sparkling water and eggs? Yes! We love that one. Adding a bit of bubbly water to your scrambled eggs or omelettes will make them more fluffy. Who wouldn’t want that?

5. Your tomatoes or avocados ripening too slow? Place a ripe banana or apple nearby – or for better results place them together in a paper bag. Ethylene gas produced by these accompanying fruits will speed up the ripening overnight!


Side by side комбинираните фрижидери се крајниот избор за секој кој сака удобен и ефикасен начин за да ја зачува свежината на својата храна. Комбинирајќи го модерниот дизајн со моќната технологија и пространата внатрешност, овие апарати нудат лесно достапно и добро организирано складирање на сите ваши намирници. Не е ни чудо што веднаш ќе се вљубите во нив.Прочитај повеќе

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