Spooky season with a tasty twist! Try our jack o’ lantern bell peppers recipe, stuffed to the brim with deliciousness. Perfect for a hauntingly delightful dinner!
Say hello to summer on a plate! Whip up this salad, grab a picnic blanket, and enjoy the summer sunshine in the company of your loved ones and great food.
Indulge in a creamy twist on a classic with our artichoke carbonara recipe that’s perfect for lazy weeknights, when you need something quick and easy to eat. With every bite, you’ll savor the perfect blend of savory plant-based prosciutto...
You may not pay much attention to the refrigerator, but when it comes to your health, the contents of the refrigerator become all the more important. It is up to you whether the fridge will become a treasure trove...
The soup is always very good choice for the cold days or for the days when we need something healthy and warm. Soup is a simple dish, but will delight even the most demanding food lovers. It can be...
Ok, so it’s January, time for some healthy eating. In order to build-up a solid imune system and keep away from viruses, the food you’re enjoying should be packed with vitamins and minerals. Try this vegetable suffle which is...
A sustainable lifestyle does require some adjustment and perseverance, but it definitely pays off. Your health, the environment, and your wallet will thank you. So, what’s a zero-waste kitchen all about? Life without waste is an increasingly popular principle,...
Crunchy vegetables, filling quinoa and creamy tahini dressing – this salad is the perfect lunch.
How many times has it happened to you that your family is craving for something sweet? We’re sure it’s a pretty regular event. How about healthier substitutes to sugary foods you can find in the supermarket? Check out our...
Have you ever taken a bite out of a homegrown tomato and noticed that it is much tastier than the ones you would usually buy at the store? A lot of people make this realization but only a few...