Posts tagged as family

Family  /  Playtime tips

Fun-oriented Easter – For Kids and Parents

There are more than a dozen Easter traditions out there. We looked into a few fun ones that you can start with your family. Although you may hate cleaning, it also has an up-side: a clean household is a...


Spring cleaning with children

Although most people proverbially hate cleaning, it also has an up-side: a clean household is a healthy household. Since there is less motivation if one deals with cleaning him/herself, we looked into ways how to trick kids to help...


The ideal family chores and tasks list

January is all about new beginnings, new projects, promises, goals, and, yes, family chores. By helping out at home, children learn ever-important life skills, develop social interest, and feel more capable in general. Getting things done as a family...


Christmas spirit comes to those who prepare for it

It is always a good idea to plan holiday arrangements to avoid unnecessary nerve wars. Here are some tips on how to prepare your home for the holidays so that the festive spirit will arrive even before Christmas. The...

Family  /  Living with kids

The homeschool of household chores

Back to school time is all about learning – new routines, schedules, knowledge … And it shouldn’t be limited to school stuff only. Sooner or later kids need to learn about household activities and life as well. These are...


Summer challenge: a waste-free picnic

A picnic or a celebration of any kind usually ends up with a huge amount of waste. And you have additional work of cleaning up and taking the garbage away, too. So, can a picnic really turn out to...

Family  /  Living with kids

How to minimize screen time for kids during holidays?

In the modern age of technology, we’re surrounded by screens. But most of us still remember how we used to spend our summers: spending most of the day outside with our friends, running, climbing, exploring. It’s easy to point...

Family  /  Living with kids

Family (time) is important

Staying home while working a full-time job and homeschooling kids, while also tackling housework and cooking healthy meals is an incredibly But, if it’s anything, the new coronavirus outbreak taught us, it is that sending quality time together as...


Kids, toys, and order? Yes, they can fit in the same sentence.

Maybe you find it hard to imagine, but it is possible to have children and a clean house. The only thing that is required of you is to be resourceful when storing toys. With a little inspiration, you can...


Top tips to help kids master communication

The power of communication, especially within a family should never be underestimated. Good communication between people living in close quarters can make everyone’s lives so much simpler. Less arguing, fewer misunderstandings and faster resolutions. Every parent wants that! We’ve...