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#SimpleFacts – Nutella and Marshmallow Pockets

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When we fancy a sweet treat, it’s so easy to reach for the cupboard and grab the nearest thing in sight, whether it’s a pack of biscuits or a bar of chocolate, but where’s the fun in that?

Spending a little time rustling something up in the kitchen is far more rewarding, and you’ll truly feel like you’ve earned an excuse for satisfying your sweet tooth. A quick spot of baking is a great leisurely weekend activity as well, whether you’re entertaining the kids or making something special for a loved one.

For something quick and easy, which still packs an indulgent punch, try making these Nutella and marshmallow filo pockets.

#SimpleFact: A jar of Nutella is sold every 2.5 seconds


  • Filo pastry
  • Melted butter
  • Nutella
  • Marshmallows


Firstly, lay three sheets of filo pastry onto a chopping board and cut into strips. Then lay out half the strips on a greased and baking paper-lined baking tray and drizzle with butter. Lay the other half of the strips to form a cross shape, before spooning some Nutella into the middle of the pastry. Add marshmallows, then fold the pastry into pockets, using butter to help sticking them folds together. Finally bake for 5-7 minutes at 170°C until the pockets are golden and crisp, and the filling has melted.

Make memories: built-in ovens

HomeMade shape The characteristic rounded shape is one of the most beneficial features of Gorenje ovens. Inspired by traditional wood-burning ovens, it enables hot air to move around freely. Since the food is heated evenly and from all sides, it is always perfectly done: crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.Read more

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