Fight food waste with Gorenje refrigerators

Gorenje SideBySide refrigerator in neutral room

In a time where the price of food is skyrocketing and on the other hand, so is the food we waste, Gorenje is keeping up with the times. Our incredible refrigerators are designed to reduce waste and offer a more sustainable approach by prolonging the freshness and longevity of stored foods. Read on to find out how.

Problems of food waste

Did you know that reducing food waste not only helps your wallet but also saves precious natural resources? Yep, it’s true! When we produce food, we use up valuable resources from our lovely Earth. So, when we throw away food and it ends up in landfills, it releases those pesky greenhouse gases that our planet doesn’t really enjoy.

Now, here’s the scoop on why food goes to waste: We’ve got things like unpredictable weather, too much food being made, little bumps in the processing journey, and even transportation mishaps. But here’s the kicker: households are actually responsible for the biggest chunk of food waste. Can you believe it? We’re talking about 40-50% of all that food waste right in our own kitchens! It’s time to be smart about what we eat, how we store our food, and make Mama Earth do a little happy dance.

Gorenje refrigerators as part of the solution to food waste

As a consumer, there are many actions you can take to reduce food waste in your kitchen. Among other things, you can stop overbuying, save leftovers, store food properly, and compost. Also, choosing a Gorenje refrigerator can be of big help, because of all the food preserving features it offers. These are some of their amazing features:

  • Convert ZeroZone: Different foods have different storage requirements, and a quality refrigerator is such that provides the best conditions for each food type and thus, the quality and freshness of food that prevents the chances of spoilage and waste. The Convert ZeroZone feature in some Gorenje refrigerators, like in the NRM9181UX, transforms the so-called ZeroZone, which is best for fresh seafood and meat, to an additional CrispZone drawer for fruit and vegetables. It helps keep your produce fresher for longer, prolonging the time you can consume them and preventing them from going bad which consequently reduces food waste.
  • Inverter Compressors in Gorenje refrigerators are not only more quiet, more durable and consume less energy compared to a conventional compressor, they also offer better food storage conditions. They adapt better and faster to temperature changes that occur when you, for example, open the door, ensuring your food is not impacted by temperature fluctuations. Keeping temperature in control slows down the growth of bacteria that cause food spoilage. The NRS9181VXB is one of your possible side-kicks when you want to reduce food waste in your home.
  • ConvertActive: With just a simple press of a button on your side-by-side Gorenje fridge-freezer, you can turn the freezer compartment into a refrigerator compartment or large ZeroZone, meaning no more wrestling with shelves or sacrificing perfectly chilled beverages for more space. So the next time you come home with a large bag of groceries or plan on hosting a summer get-together, you can rely on your Gorenje fridge-freezer to have you covered.
  • NoFrost: The best way to reduce food (and make future you’s life easier) is to freeze any leftovers your family didn’t manage to get through during dinner, as well as fresh fruit or veggies that are getting past the point of perfect ripening. And with our NoFrost technology, you can make sure your food won’t turn into a big block of ice while in the freezer.

The right-sized fridge can also help combat food waste. Although it sounds contradictory (big size surely means bigger power consumption, right?), but the fact is that when we have bigger refrigerators, we usually organize food inside them better which in term, leads to less food waste. With the 2-metre high fridge, you’ll always oversee all your stored food. Plus, you’ll be able to organize your fridge properly – arranging it in a way that best fits different food types and their cooling needs for maintaining freshness.

Speaking of size, some studies have also shown that refrigerators dictate our shopping habits. When we have bigger fridge sizes, we opt for ‘big shops’ instead of daily, smaller, impulse shops and generally, more food is disposed of when more shopping trips occur. Having a big fridge also comes with other big benefits, such as more options to prep meals ahead or freeze them to have ready-made meals, which again contributes to less shopping and potential food waste.

And let’s not forget about MultiFlow 360° feature, found in IonGeneration fridge freezers. We’ve already written a lot about it and how it creates the ideal microclimate on every shelf and keeps food fresher for longer.

To sum up, Gorenje refrigerators are not just appliances that keep your food cool. By keeping it fresher for longer with their innovative features, they can play an important role in the fight againts food waste. Together with changes in shopping and eating choices and habits, you too can make a big difference.


Side by side fridge freezers are the ultimate choice for anyone who wants a convenient and efficient way to preserve the freshness of their food. Combining modern design with powerful technology and a spacious interior, these appliances offer easily accessible  and well-organized storage for all your groceries. It's no wonder, that you will fall in love with them instantly.Read more

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