Posts tagged as tips and triks


Life secrets for dryer magic

People like to see machines working instead of them. Save time drying clothes and use a tumble dryer. With the right machine, you will find it easier to take care of clean and well-groomed clothes in your household. When...


Getting the most out of your dishwasher

The dishwasher is a great invention. Invented some hundred and thirty years ago it still saves us a lot of time, effort, energy, and water. Yet, most dishwashers could even be more efficient, provided users follow these simple tips...

Food  /  Tips and tricks

Do you know how to handle food correctly?

For many people kitchen is the most important part of a home. It’s where you start your day with a breakfast and where you spend time preparing dinner with your family. However, there is also danger lurking in the...

Chores  /  Tips and tricks

How to stay on top of your laundry

Doing the laundry is a never-ending story. Sorting. Washing. Drying. Ironing. Puting it away. And then next day doing it all again. No wonder it’s so hard to keep up! Here are some tips on how to get your...

Appliance maintenance  /  Chores

Getting the best out of your freezer

Freezing is one of the easiest, fastest and most versatile methods of extending the shelf life of foods. It’s also the ideal technology for preserving the nutritional value of foods. Properly frozen foods exhibit less change in color, taste,...

Clutter free home  /  Home

Masterclass: arrange a wardrobe like a pro

Would you like to have more storage without having to go through an expensive renovation? Follow these practical organizational tips and become a storage space master. This way you will never again stare at a fully packed closet not...

Chores  /  Tips and tricks

When freezing up makes all the difference

There are many reasons why people are freezing their food. It allows us to preserve the food, make meals ahead of time, and simply saves us money. Also, having a freezer also means you can keep a food stash...

Chores  /  Tips and tricks

Doing The Dishes With Speed And Efficiency

Big family dinner at your place? Having a few extra guests at the party and running out of clean dishes? Yes, it can happen to everybody. Yet, it cannot ruin your dinner or a party. Not if you have...


7 Tips To Work From Home Distraction-Free

Being able to work from the comfort of your home can be super relaxing and enable you to focus on getting things done. Here’s a handful of valuable tips and tricks to make your home office a more peaceful...


Top tips to help kids master communication

The power of communication, especially within a family should never be underestimated. Good communication between people living in close quarters can make everyone’s lives so much simpler. Less arguing, fewer misunderstandings and faster resolutions. Every parent wants that! We’ve...