Cooler than cool. Refrigerator with NoFrost.
Ah! The refrigerator, that indispensable part of our homes, the cooling device that keeps our food cool and preserved. Especially in summer. But argh! The dreadful chore of cleaning frost and ice build-up on its walls. Sounds familiar? It shouldn’t. You can say goodbye to the strenuous and time-consuming defrosting of the fridge forever!
From defrost to NoFrost
Does this sound familiar? For some mysterious reason, ice always seems to appear in your freezer in the summer, when it’s filled with all your favorites – ice-cream, watermelon and homemade fruit yoghurts. Or perhaps you remember being young and your mum rolling her eyes, cursing the fridge under her breath every time it was time to defrost it – of course, in your adult life, you realized the meaning behind her frustration. Defrosting the fridge means emptying everything out and cooking what’s inside so the food doesn’t go bad.
With NoFrost technology, there’s no need for sighing, rolling your eyes or spending hours trying to scrape all the ice out of your freezer. The innovative “frostration-free” systems keep your food fresh and healthy for a long time, without having to battle ice. IonAir, Multiflow 360° and DynamiCooling protect refrigerated food from spoiling too soon, and you from freaking out.
Freeze, don’t move (a muscle)
If you own the Gorenje refrigerator with the NoFrost Plus technology, like the XTRASPACE refrigerator, you will never have to move a muscle trying to defrost it again. The secret of NoFrost Plus is in intense circulation of cool air which eliminates moisture from both the refrigerator and freezer compartment. Frost and ice-build up on food and on interior walls is simply not an option. This efficient circulation has additional benefits, as it keeps power consumption low and the storage capacity optimal. Packages of frozen foods won’t stick to each other and your refrigerator will always look so tidy, as if it came straight out of a fashion magazine.
Ice, ice, baby
The XTRASPACE fridge really is extra. It comes with a slim, in-built ice maker that needs no filter or water conduit. Ice cube trays take time to make plus they take up plenty of space, which can be used for more important frozen items. Also, this ice maker is operated by touch and provides not only ice cubes, but also crushed ice or cool water. There’s nothing better than a refreshing drink on a hot summer drink or, God forbid, an ice massage for an injury you got at sports.
But that’s just one of XTRASPACE coolest (pun intended) features. As its name implies, it comes with a cool size of 2 meters and an efficiently designed interior which allows plenty of space to store larger quantities of food. Because, size does matter and honestly, who wouldn’t swap daily shopping for a once-a-week or once-a-fortnight event? You will have all the space you could possible want to store fresh fruits and veggies, frozen ready-to-eat meals, drinks and sweet desserts. All your favorites, neatly organized on glass shelves, in big drawers and on shelves on inner side of the doors.
At Gorenje, we also know that you don’t always keep the same food in your fridge. Sometimes, you have more of an appetite for seafood and other times, you need more space for veggies from your garden. That’s why XTRASPACE comes with ConvertFresh Zone, a handy compartment designed to store different types of fresh products. You can easily adapt the drawer’s temperature with a slider and change its purpose from storing meat and fish to storing fruits and veggies.
Tip of the iceberg
All the benefits mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg. The XTRASPACE refrigerator has a lot more to offer. See its other cool features here.