
No stain is a match for Aqua JetWash

Graphic showing the inside of a Gorenje washing machine.

How many times did you have to ask the internet how to get rid of stubborn stains on your clothes? Do you need to use white vinegar or lemon juice on blueberries? Rub alcohol or dish soap over lipstick smudges? Remove ketchup stains with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide?

You can now get rid of both stains and researching online thanks to the Aqua JetWash in Gorenje’s washing machines.

Effortless stain removal

The Aqua JetWash system is a true game changer when it comes to getting your laundry perfectly spotless. It’s designed to knock out those tough stains quickly—think lipstick, cocoa, blueberry, coffee, and ketchup—without the usual fuss. By blasting high-pressure water right where it’s needed, this smart system makes both water and detergent work harder and faster.

Thanks to its technology in reusing circulated water and the right amount of detergent, the Aqua JetWash system not only delivers exceptional cleaning, but does so in an environmentally conscious way without compromises on efficiency. This heightened efficiency means less waste and more savings, aligning perfectly with the modern push towards sustainability.

Eco-friendly washing efficiency

If you want to take your eco-friendly efforts even further, you can rely on a system match made in laundry heaven: Aqua JetWash and AutoDosing.

Load up your detergent into the AutoDosing compartment once, and you’re good for up to a month or around 20 wash cycles. This smart feature automatically dishes out just the right amount of detergent for each load, ensuring your clothes come out spotless without any waste.

It’s tailor-made to match the dirt level and fabric type of each load, streamlining your routine while being kind to the planet. And when it’s time to clean up? The detergent container pops out and goes right in the dishwasher. Choosing a system like this means less hassle for you and less strain on the environment—now that’s a win-win.

Together, the Aqua JetWash system and AutoDosing technology transform your laundry routine into a seamless, eco-friendly process. You spend less time figuring out how to treat stains and more time enjoying a simplified life, all while cutting down on water, energy and detergent.

Life is complex. Let's make laundry simple.

Gorenje WaveActive washing machines are made to get the dirty work done in an effective, easy-to-handle and eco-friendly manner. WaveActive washing features include cutting-edge cleaning technologies:
  • Uniquely designed drum with special wave-shaped 3D ribs for the softest garments treatment
  • IonTech using the power of ions, thus ensuring optimum washing results
  • SteamTech effectively rehydrating and breaking down the dirt
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